Stages to Write and Read Arabic Fluently

how to learn arabic

You may be wonder how to learn Arabic and where to start from, in this article, we will talk about how to learn Arabic, we also will introduce an amazing Youtube video on how to say in Arabic I want to drink.

The Arabic language is one of the most widely spread languages.

By virtue of their interaction and communication with the rest of the peoples of the world, the need has become urgent for anyone who communicates with Arabs to master the Arabic language.

In addition to the need of the Arabs themselves, to master their language, and to be extremely fluent, and the areas of launch in learning the Arabic language, and its aspects relate first to reading and writing, and the basics of grammar, within important stages in learning the Arabic language.

How to learn Arabic fluently

There are important stages in how to learn the Arabic language:

Reading Stage

Arabic for beginners starts with The stages of reading proficiency, which means learning to read the words of the Arabic language, quickly and accurately, without the need for spelling, which those who are new to the Arabic language resort to as children of the first stage of study.

Reading must pass through certain stages, gradual upwards, and begins with knowing how to read the letters of the Arabic language, and the ways to read with them.

And reading these letters with the three letters of the extension, while passing this rule in reading to all the letters of the Arabic language.

Then comes the stage of reading with the movements, in which all the letters of the Arabic language are read with the three vowels, and all the letters of the Arabic language are read with the three letters of the extension.

Because this is an authentic and tried-and-true rule that shortens distances for us and shortens time as well.

The easiest way to learn Arabic

The writing stage

The writing stage, during which he learns to master writing all the letters of the Arabic language, with the letters of the extension, and with the three vowels.

Multiple examples

Multiple examples, so that multiple examples are written from the surrounding environment, and from real life, through which to practice reading multiple examples of letters, movements, and words, whether actions or names.

Multiple sentences

Multiple sentences, where multiple sentences are written, including letters and words, some verbs and nouns, and the more examples and practice on them, the better the education.

The stage of purposeful reading

The stage of purposeful reading, in which the learner is provided with some educational books and stories, written in interesting and comfortable handwriting, through which he is trained in the skill of reading, and gradually until he reaches reading fluently.

What Are You Waiting For?

So how to learn the Arabic language depends, in the main, on the learner, his high energy, and a strong will.

It also depends on the one who assumed the role and mission of education, and his accuracy, beauty of style, clarity, and gradual steps, away from improvisation.